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Complementary Courses

Our Art and Music teachers are experts in their subject areas. In addition to teaching a variety of styles and skills, they foster a love for the arts. 

Junior High students can choose from a variety of options including Art, Music, Pottery, Drama, Foods, Active Living, Cosmetology, Makerspace, Computer Applications, Business, and Extra Study Skills. Option choices will depend on teacher availability when we make our new timetable each term. Students will choose between 2-4 options each year.

Alex Janvier School Options Letter

Alex Janvier Open House Arts and Options

Grade 7 Options may include:

  • Art
  • Music General
  • Food Studies
  • Active Living
  • Clayworks - Art & Design
  • Technology - Computer Applications
  • Makerspace - Design Fundamentals 

Grade 8/9 Options may include:

  • Art
  • Music General
  • Food Studies
  • Active Living
  • Drama
  • Makerspace - Design Fundamentals
  • Cosmetology
  • Calligraphy - Art & Design: Drawing
  • Leadership
  • Clayworks - Art & Design
  • Business - Innovation & Venture
  • Outdoor Education